Everyday Woman
Show Notes - Episode 1
The Everyday Woman - Part 1
[00:00:00] Rev. Michele Owes: Well, welcome, welcome, back to The Teachable Woman Podcast. I am Reverend Michele Owes.
[00:00:12] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: And I am Reverend Diana P Cherry.
[00:00:17] Rev. Michele Owes: And we are Teachers of Good Things. We are so excited to have you back with us today. We are going to share with you a new series. The series that we're sharing is called The Everyday Woman because we just live our lives every day. As Christians, as women, as mothers, aunts, daughters, wives, all those things, we just have an everyday walk with the Lord. We are going to share with you about being an everyday woman. Alright, MRS. Cherry, take us away.
[00:00:57] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Okay. As an Everyday Woman, I think certain things apply to all of us. I would like for us to realize that we all have a response mechanism. God made us so that we are responders. I want us to know that because we have this response mechanism, we tend to lean more toward the emotional side of our being rather than the logical side of our being.
Because we have this response mechanism, we desire acceptance when sometimes we ought not to want to be accepted. I want you to know that because we have this response mechanism sometimes it causes us to flee from the adversary when we should face the adversary. Because we have this response mechanism, sometimes we fall when we really should stand. Whenever we fall, when we should be standing, we are going to fail. Because we have this response mechanism, sometimes we'll cry rather than communicate. I'm so guilty of that. Then sometimes because we have this response mechanism, we will just rant and rave when we know we can be rational and give a real response.
So that's a little tidbit about the emotion, about the response mechanism.
[00:02:35] Rev. Michele Owes: And there's a lot in that. There's a lot in that we do tend to respond to situations, oftentimes in ways that are not desirable and in ways that may not necessarily fit the situation. It fits how we feel at the time.
[00:02:55] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right? Right.
[00:02:56] Rev. Michele Owes: Our feelings can be our guide if you will, when we should be thinking more than responding emotionally.
[00:03:08] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Exactly,
[00:03:09] Rev. Michele Owes: That response mechanism has to be trained.
[00:03:13] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes. Yes, but thank God the flesh is the trainable part of the Trinity. We can make our flesh obey God. We can make our flesh do what we want our flesh to do, and our flesh does not have to dictate to us what we do and how we do it.
[00:03:36] Rev. Michele Owes: Amen. Amen to that. I recognized that in my life, going to church, making sure that I was there on Sundays, Bible Study night, the women's fellowship, and almost every time the church doors were open, God was changing me. Without me knowing I was being changed.
[00:04:04] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Mm-Hmm.
[00:04:06] Rev. Michele Owes: In the end, I began to believe, that I grew one sermon at a time. There was something in every sermon that caused me to either renew my mind or think differently than I thought before.
Maybe when I took my seat that day something challenged me to be better. Something challenged my thinking and made me correct my actions.
[00:04:34] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right!
[00:04:36] Rev. Michele Owes: My response mechanism was modified, or I should say my behavior was modified.
[00:04:44] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right.
[00:04:45] Rev. Michele Owes: I learned things from the word of God about how God wanted me to behave.
[00:04:51] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right.
[00:04:51] Rev. Michele Owes: Before that, I just thought I could behave how I wanted to.
[00:04:57] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: That response mechanism is a powerful force in us.
[00:05:04] Rev. Michele Owes: Yes.
[00:05:05] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yeah.
[00:05:06] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Just make sure that it's a force for good and not for evil.
[00:05:12] Rev. Michele Owes: Amen to that. Amen to that. Well, one of the things that I wanted to share with us today about the everyday woman. Is who we are. When I learned through the word of God, the way He felt about me versus maybe the way I felt about me, there was a bit of a tug of war to convince me of who He said I was.
[00:05:42] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes.
[00:05:43] Rev. Michele Owes: I had been with me longer than I had been with the Word of God, right? So, it's a fight when I learn that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. Meaning that God spent time with me. He made me unique from everyone else on earth. That comes from Psalm 139:14. It says, “I will praise thee for I am fearfully wonderfully made. Marvelous are the works of thy hands and my soul knoweth right well.” When I look up fearfully in the original language, it means that God respected me. He had reverence for me.
[00:06:26] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Wow.
[00:06:26] Rev. Michele Owes: He spent time with me. He cared for me in the making of me. Wonderfully meant that I was distinguished, and I was different. I didn't have to try to be like everybody else or think like everybody else. And then when I learned that he loved me and that nothing could separate His love from me. I mean, I felt like I had hit the jackpot. How I saw myself before learning this was so different.
[00:06:56] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right,
[00:06:56] Rev. Michele Owes: So different!
[00:06:57] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right.
[00:06:58] Rev. Michele Owes: I hope that we can know every day when we wake up that we're fearfully and wonderfully made. God spent time with us. And that His love for us will not fail. We can't be separated from Him. Now we move all the time. He doesn't.
[00:07:22] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right.
[00:07:22] Rev. Michele Owes: We move all the time, but nothing can separate us from His love.
[00:07:28] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right.
When I think about being fearfully and wonderfully made and God spending time with us, I used to teach in God's Plan for the Woman, that when God made man, He kind of formed him, but when He made us, He spent quality time with us. I used to teach the women that He didn't want Adam to have any say so in what He was doing with His marvelous creation. He put the brother into a deep sleep, right? A deep sleep, not just a sleep. The brother was in a coma. God put him in a deep sleep because God did not want his opinion on what He was doing with us.
As he made us, He wanted that quiet time. He didn't want any comments from the brother. He didn't want him to say how big this part should be and how small that part should be, so he put the brother into a deep sleep. And he spent quality time with us as He made us. He did a marvelous thing when He made us.
He didn't just form us and squeeze us here and there, but He handcrafted us. When I think of being fearfully and wonderfully made, I think about the fact that God put Adam in a deep sleep. And we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We had quiet time with God. We had an uninterrupted time of fellowship with Him. For most of us, we have very few times of uninterrupted fellowship with God because there's always the baby to feed, the husband to feed, and the clothes to wash.
So that's what I think about when I think about being fearfully and wonderfully made. I think back to the beginning. When He took the side of Adam, He spent that quality quiet time with us. Adam had no say in who we were to be, or how we were to be made.
[00:09:47] Rev. Michele Owes: That is beautiful. I like what you said about that quality quiet time with us.
[00:09:56] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right.
[00:09:56] Rev. Michele Owes: It takes me to how I feel when I know I've had quality quiet time with Him.
[00:10:06] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes.
[00:10:07] Rev. Michele Owes: There's a difference in my day. He's forewarned me. He has given me peace that passes all understanding, and it doesn't matter what the day brings, I respond differently. There's an inner knowing that my God is with me and that He is for me no matter what is happening.
[00:10:26] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes. Right.
[00:10:33] Rev. Michele Owes: If He is for me, it is going to be okay. I might not like it, but He is for me, and He is with me. Maybe that’s not what I wish for today, not what I hope for today, not what I planned for today, but He's for me.
[00:10:45] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: And He fought for you.
[00:10:46] Rev. Michele Owes: That's right. I'm thinking about what challenges you and I faced trying to get this podcast going. But we also learned in ministry that where there is purpose, there is opposition.
[00:11:04] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes.
[00:11:05] Rev. Michele Owes: Yes. There was this opposition. It was technological, but it was the opposition, nonetheless. And it lasted far more days than we thought it would. But then God prevailed because He was for us.
[00:11:21] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes, yes. He's for it.
[00:11:26] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yeah. What a blessing. Now, it was not easy.
[00:11:32] Rev. Michele Owes: Right.
[00:11:33] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: It was very worth it. Very worth it. Sometimes I feel, this is going to sound negative, but it's not. It's the truth. Sometimes I feel like such an idiot.
I recently wrote a book and it'll be forthcoming shortly. Oftentimes late at night, I would have to call one of my granddaughters and say, listen, I need some IT resuscitation because right now I'm out of it.
[00:12:04] Rev. Michele Owes: Well, you know, it's an interesting thing because even when you think you've gotten comfortable and you know some things, they change it. No sooner than you have the latest and greatest of whatever is on the market, and you master it, they've added something. By the time you finish paying for it at the register, something new is coming out. Let’s plead the 5th for all of us. We are not at fault for the IT issues. We just have to learn as we go.
[00:12:35] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: That's right, that's right. Sometimes we set our hearts against learning new things, and it's not easy. It's not easy to learn new things. I'm 80 years old, so it's not easy to learn new things, especially IT things. But hey, I am made in the image and likeness of God, and I can do it.
[00:12:57] Rev. Michele Owes: That's right. That's right. He has not withheld any good things from you. The brain cells that you have can work if you have a willing mind. Right. We just have to set our mind to it and do it.
[00:13:10] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: That's right.
[00:13:10] Rev. Michele Owes: I'm amazed at all the things that we've had to learn in a very short period to pull off a podcast.
[00:13:20] Rev. Michele Owes: The software programs, not just what we want to share, but what we've had to learn in the background to be able to share.
[00:13:31] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Right, right.
[00:13:33] Rev. Michele Owes: Yeah.
[00:13:33] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: I, I marvel at you. I thank God that you've had the lion's share of the learning.
[00:13:40] Rev. Michele Owes: Well, I have an excellent teacher. So will those who will meet us at the Women's Retreat.
[00:13:48] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes.
[00:13:48] Rev. Michele Owes: On July the 25th through the 27th in the Houston area, that is Houston, Texas. You will meet the person who walked us through all this technological guru stuff. We are so excited that she's going to be with us. She just poured into our hearts and into our lives to make sure that we're able to do this to share with you.
One of the things that we want to do today, is to talk about being the Everyday Woman. We recognize that we do have a response mechanism and that it's our job to let the word of God shape that response mechanism in a way that's going to glorify Him and to remember that we're fearfully and wonderfully made. When those times of disappointment or trouble, hurt, pain, or whatever life presents, it could just be plain old boredom, remember that we're fearfully and wonderfully made.
[00:14:57] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes, yes, yes.
[00:14:59] Rev. Michele Owes: God didn't make any mistakes He made us.
[00:15:03] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Nope.
[00:15:03] Rev. Michele Owes: One of the things that we learned in church was that God does not care about the circumstances of our birth.
[00:15:11] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Nope, and the circumstances of our birth do not have to dictate the outcome of our lives.
[00:15:20] Rev. Michele Owes: Amen.
[00:15:21] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yeah,
[00:15:21] Rev. Michele Owes: Because sometimes those circumstances are not ideal. The ideal thing is that we are here.
[00:15:27] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Exactly.
[00:15:29] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Exactly. We have an opportunity to do good work to His honor and His glory.
[00:15:36] Rev. Michele Owes: You are absolutely right. We are going to, oh wow. We are there. We are at the end of the podcast already. What we're going to do in this session is take 30 seconds to pour. All right, Mrs. Cherry, you have 30 seconds to pour.
[00:15:54] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Okay. I would like to share a couple of things that I have learned in life. I have learned that I can love everyone. Is it easy? No, but it's possible. I have learned that I can forgive everyone for whatever. I have learned that I can change no one, but myself, so I'll live my life trying to change where I need to change and live my life being the best that I can be, and doing the best that I can do.
God bless you.
[00:16:26] Rev. Michele Owes: Oh wow. That's powerful. That is powerful. I feel like we need to end with that, but then I wouldn't be keeping my word. I said that we were both going to pour. I must be a keeper of my word.
I want to share in these 30 seconds that most of us have spent our lives looking for love. Whether it's the love of a parent, the love of a spouse in a relationship, or the love of others, love in friendships, whatever it is, there is a love from our Heavenly Father that is unmatched by all the earthly love that we know. This love has been there all the time waiting for us to recognize it. We have a God who created us, and whose love will not fail. His love sent His Son Jesus to die for us so that we might have the opportunity to have life.
[00:17:27] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Yes.
[00:17:27] Rev. Michele Owes: He went further and sent the Holy Spirit so that we might have a power that lives on the inside of us to cause us to keep the commandments of God. So, there is a love that's better than any love that we could seek here on Earth.
[00:17:41] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Amen.
[00:17:42] Rev. Michele Owes: 30 seconds and that will end session one for the Everyday Woman and we'll be back for session two. Stay tuned. We love you. Thank you for tuning in. Bye.
[00:17:53] Rev. Diana P. Cherry: Amen. Bye!