Teachable Woman Podcast
God's Purposes and Plans Reverends Michele Owes and Diana P. Cherry.
Welcome back to the Teachable Woman Podcast! In this episode, Rev. Michele Owes and Rev. Diana P. Cherry explore the divine purposes and plans that God has for each of us. They discuss how every person is uniquely crafted with a God-ordained purpose and the significance of surrendering to His will. Through engaging discussion, biblical insights, and personal testimonies, they encourage listeners to embrace their divine assignment and walk in obedience to God's perfect plan.
Show Notes:
God’s Divine Purpose for Humanity
Revisiting God’s original plan for mankind: to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, and subdue. Understanding that while we have different professions, our common purpose remains to glorify God. How our daily work and calling align with God’s greater plan.
The Power of Witnessing
Every believer is called to be a witness of Jesus Chris. The importance of sharing evidence of God’s work in our live. The analogy of a courtroom: Are we holding God hostage by not testifying of His goodness?
Choice and Obedience to God
Unlike animals who instinctively follow God’s design, humans have a divine center of choice. We have the power of free will and the consequences of choosing disobedience. We should surrender our will to align with God’s perfect plan.
God’s Plan is Intentional
Biblical affirmation: Jeremiah 29:11 – God knows the plans He has for us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made with intentionality. Trust that God's plan is better than anything we could create for ourselves.
Faith and Trust in God's Timing
Choosing to follow God's plan often requires faith before understanding. We see the benefits of obedience only after stepping out in trust. Know the importance of patience and surrender in walking with God.
Dying to Self and Living for Christ
The biblical concept of martyrdom: dying to our fleshly desires to live for Christ. Surrendering personal ambitions and embracing God's divine purpose. The transformation that occurs when we truly put on Christ and follow Him we cannot know.
The Role of Prayer in Understanding God's Plan
Prayer is a means to seek clarity on God's will. Inviting God into every aspect of our lives, even small decisions. The promise that God will direct our paths when we acknowledge Him is to every believer.
Episode Summary:
In this powerful conversation, Rev. Michele Owes and Rev. Diana P. Cherry emphasize the necessity of aligning with God's purpose. They discuss how free will sets humans apart, the importance of witnessing for Christ, and the benefits of trusting God's plan before we see its full effect. Through scriptural references, they remind listeners that God's purpose is intentional, and surrendering to His will brings peace, joy, and fulfillment. They close by encouraging believers to seek God in prayer, trust in His divine plan, and remain steadfast in faith.
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