2025 Retreat! Yes, 2025. Start planning now for The 2025 Teachable Woman Retreat. It will be July 17-20, 2025, at the same location in Houston, Texas.

The Church - A Safe Place

The Teachable Woman Podcast

The Church - A Safe Place

Reverends Michele Owes and Diana p. Cherry


This episode of The Teachable Woman Podcast features an insightful conversation between Reverends Michele Owes and Diana P. Cherry on the true essence of the church. With warmth and wisdom, they dismantle misconceptions about what the church is and should be while addressing its role as a safe haven for believers. Through anecdotes and scripture-based teachings, they highlight the church's purpose, the importance of ministry work, and the transformative power of active participation in the Body of Christ.

Key Highlights

I. The Church as a Unified Body

The church is not defined by denominations or cultural identities. It is the collective body of believers in Jesus Christ, transcending race, ethnicity, and denominational divisions. Reverends Michele and Diana emphasize unity in faith, reflecting God’s intention for His children.

II. The Church as a Place of Growth

Growth in faith is a central theme, with both reverends asserting that church attendance should lead to personal transformation. They challenge listeners to evaluate their spiritual progress and seek out Bible-teaching congregations where they can grow and fulfill God’s plan for their lives.

III. The Church as a Safe Haven

A key message is that the church should be the safest place for anyone seeking refuge. The arms of the church, like God's, should be open to welcome, comfort, and uplift individuals, regardless of their state or struggles.

IV. The Importance of Discovering and Using Gifts

Each person has unique gifts and talents given by God. The church provides a space to discover, refine, and utilize these gifts to serve others and fulfill God's purpose. They encourage believers to work in their ministries rather than passively attending services.

V. Service Beyond Titles

True servitude in the church goes beyond worldly titles or accomplishments. Reverends Michele and Diana share examples of individuals humbly using their skills—whether professional or spiritual—to contribute meaningfully to church life.

VI. The Role of Perfecting Classes

These classes are vital for believers to identify their spiritual gifts and understand how to apply them effectively. Functional gifts are key to ministry growth and productivity.

VII. The Power of Connection and Accountability

Attending church in person fosters connections that cannot be replicated through virtual services alone. Simple gestures like smiles, hugs, and shared worship experiences create a sense of belonging, accountability, and mutual encouragement.


Reverends Michele Owes and Diana P. Cherry provide a powerful reminder of the church's role in nurturing faith, fostering community, and empowering believers to serve. They challenge listeners to actively engage in ministry, reflect on their growth, and seek a church environment where they can thrive spiritually. The church is not just a building but a living, breathing body of Christ's followers, united in purpose and love. This episode inspires believers to reexamine their roles within the church and live out their faith authentically and joyfully.